...and knowing the other driver is high too.
Pull up in my van beside and older wagon with a roof rack and stickers. Without noticing we both instinctively give each others vehicles the one over from roof rack to winter tires and all the stickers in between.
Next you always notice the person inspecting your vehicle. Subtle similarities in the vehicles reflecting your lifestyle. Sport ready roof rack, winter tires, stickers, road dirty paint, more air fresheners then you really need. Notice the back seat folded down and a blanket tossed in the corner, and know that they have sought refuge there more then once in there night life. Im sure had I turned my bass down id of heard his too.
Next you stare straight ahead at the red light, and without even looking over you know they are doing the same thing.
Time passes by slowly.
The pulse of bass drives your heart rate up, a smile creeps across your face, anticipation creeps through your body down and out your anxious foot
the vehicle lurches forward.
He responds with the equal reaction.
Now what seems like the longest wait of all passes, anticipation built up inside you.
The light turns green and you both react within a split second.
Both vehicles lurch forward, climbing toward the speed limit, then paranoia kicks in and you both let off simultaneously then continue driving just above the speed limit,
we know more suspicion is caused by driving bellow the speed limit.
At the next lite you turn off in separate directions, never too see each other again.
For those 30 seconds, without ever any exchange of words, you had a look into a strangers life, which perhaps isn't so different then yours.