I've seen a lot of threads on here lately asking about sketchy camera sites and offers. Sites that advertise cameras for way less than retail are always grey market or a scam.
Getting expensive video and camera gear for cheap just doesn't happen. There are no amazing deals out there. Sometimes a manufacturer will offer a rebate of some sort, but you will never get a new camera for hundreds less than retail, unless buying used.
If you find a site that is advertising cameras at insanely low prices, turn around. As tempting as it may be, you will lose your money.
Example of a grey market camera site. Notice how everything is cheap? THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO AVOID. There are no if's and's or but's, never buy anything from a site like this.
Example of good sites to buy from. (list taken from dvxuser.com)
Stay away from these sites
A&M Photo World, www.amphotoworld.com
Abe's of Maine, www.abesofmaine.com
Banana Boat Camera, www.bananaboatcamera.com
Beach Camera, www.beachcamera.com
Best Buy PCs, www.bestbuypcs.com
Best Digital Online, www.bestdigitalonline.com
Best Price Cameras, www.bestpricecameras.com
Brand Namez LLC, www.brandnamez.com
Broadway Photo, www.bwayphoto.com
Butterfly Photo, www.butterflyphoto.com
Buydig, www.buydig.com
California Cellular, www.californiacell.com
Cameras & Electronics, www.camerasandelectronics.com
Central Digital, www.centraldigital.com
Century 21 Electronics, www.century21electronics.com
Chumbo Corp, www.chumbo.com
Computer Online, www.computeronline.com
CompuVest Corp, www.compuvest.com
DBuys, www.dbuys.com
Digital Delivered, www.digitaldelivered.com
Digital Liquidators, www.digitalliquidators.com
Digitally Unique, www.digitallyunique.com
Digital Mega Store, www.digitalmegastore.com
eCost, www.ecost.com
Electrified Discounters Inc., www.electrified.com
Etronics, www.etronics.com
Express Cameras, www.expresscameras.com
Monitor Outlet Inc., www.flat-tv-mounts.com and www.monitoroutlet.com and www.nettv-store.com
Foto Connection, www.fotoconnection.com
I Buy Digital, www.ibuydigital.com
Infiniti Photo, www.infinitiphoto.com
Inoax, www.inoax.com
Leo Barnet, www.leobarnet.com
Mr. Accessory, www.mraccessory.com
NewEgg, www.newegg.com
Onix Electronics, www.onixstyle.com
PC Nation, www.pcnation.com
Atman Inc., www.pccrush.com
Preferred Photo LLC, www.preferredphoto.com
Prestige Camera, www.prestigecamera.com
PriceGrabber, www.pricegrabber.com
Profeel Marketing, Inc., www.profeel.com
Projector.com, www.projector.com
Real Deal Shop, www.realdealshop.com
Red Tag Savings, www.redtagsavings.com
Sunshine Electronics, www.shopsunshine.com
The Twister Group, www.thetwistergroup.com
Trio Computers, www.triocomputers.com
Tri-State Camera and Computers, www.tristatecamera.com
TV Authority, www.tvauthority.com
TVs Depot, www.tvsdepot.com
If you have any doubt about a website, look it up here
Always remember, if it looks to good to be true, it always is. If you see the price and think to yourself "Holy sh*t that's cheap!" you know that the site is not a place where you want to be buying a camera.
Hope this helps clear up the cheap camera site questions.