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What happened to Andy Mahre and Pep Fujas???
Posts: 1698
Karma: 95
Why didn't they qualify for the Slopestyle finals? Did they fell? Did they do something crazy spectacular?
I know there's too much X-games threads but there's nothing on expn.com and I "searchebared".
Posts: 1698
Karma: 95
^ya I know but thats what I saw on expn.com
17 Andy Mahre 47.33 27.66 47.33
18 Josh Bibby 10.66 42.66 42.66
19 Pep Fujas 26.33 30.33 26.33
(bottom of the elimination list)
Posts: 4434
Karma: 107
Maybe they did some really creative and cool things that the judges couldn't appriciate...
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Karma: 95
he does only pipe this year (I think)
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I just saw that there scores weren't good enough. They must have crashed or something.
Posts: 2026
Karma: 348
Andy and pep prolly wouldnt have won with there best runs anywhere. Thats not there style. There all about smooth 5's and shit. And there both working really hard with eric iberg on there new film for the year.
And tanner hurt himself in pipe which is why he didnt compete.
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
ya Tanner is taking a week or 2 off he said and I'm guessing Mahre and Pep did some amazingly stylish 5s and stuff and got scored badly
Posts: 8232
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if they were even there, which i doubt they were, they would have just been doing 1's and 5;s. if i was judging they would have won. same w/ pollard. FILM THE IDEA.
Posts: 4763
Karma: 899
i hope they were there... since they were in the standings. that would be wierd if they got scored and they were not there.
Posts: 3323
Karma: 578
they dont need to come to get a score, their to cool for that shit
Posts: 250
Karma: 10
pep is in a metal hospital after geting raped by a gorilla and andy mahre quite skiing to become a porn star
Posts: 1698
Karma: 95
Btw Pollard was a judge (!)
"Judges Pollard, Szocs and Raps all passed by"
(Quote from the front page story)
Posts: 245
Karma: 18
Posts: 7436
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dude some of the judges were pollard, raps, and szocs...i think they know there shit and what "style" is
Posts: 279
Karma: 18
Better question how the fuck did they qualify. Put skiers in there that actually still compete and have a chance and give other skiers some competetion. Instead of two guys that go out there on there powder ski's and one with no poles. NOT COOL
Posts: 1400
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Posts: 411
Karma: 13
yea pep was sking without poles
Posts: 4740
Karma: 40
ok so apparently holding two aluminum sticks in your hand that serve no use in the park makes a run more stylie...think about that...lol
Posts: 427
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Posts: 3036
Karma: 45
pollard, andy and pep are just going to feed of each other this year....they really will be fucking so much more nusto by the end of the year...like htey were all very similar before, but jsut imagine the collaboration thats going on right now
Posts: 4434
Karma: 107
Dude, I didn't say that's what happened, I said that's what may have happened. I had no idea the judges were Pollard and Raps, etc.
Posts: 239
Karma: 108
is there anywhere with video of their runs?
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
Both Pep and Andy are better skiers than a lot of the people who placed in the finals in my opinion. I would love to see a comp where you have to use skis over 100mm waist, and spins larger than 9's arent allowed. And no poles is great, give it a shot before you go off about it. If you want strict rules and regulations, go watch a FIS event.
Posts: 4737
Karma: 1,096
ski competetions and movies are really just super-complex marketing schemes... so, while many of you just saw candide just annhiliate shit in slopestyle and will subsequently go buy yourself some neato Rossignol Scratch Ghettos with THC core and WRX wfiberglass and ... whatever the fuck they call their stuff these days... an equally large number of us will see andy riding with no poles at the xgames, and later doing switch to switch tricks on really silly stuff into really deep snow... and immediately go out and bug the highest ranking industry person we know for free hellbents... then go buy them. and thus, the machine is fed! we all win, even andy and pep.
Posts: 773
Karma: 12
Im all for Andy and Pep doing their own thing at X... I think its great to see something different and creative than the same spins and grinds run after run. And theres no questioning their style... However... style is only one part of winning X gold. I dont care how good it looked... or how stylie it was... you CANNOT argue that a 1/3/5 is harder in any way shape or form than a swtich cork 9/10. You need both to win. Im against the switch 10 fest as much as the next guy but you need style and difficulty to win... Andy and Pep had the style no question... but im not sure the difficulty was there (not saying I could do it but at a pro level).
Posts: 16253
Karma: 538
To play Devils Advocate, putting down a huge 180 and keeping yourself flawless in the air takes a pretty high degree of difficulty.
It's moreso that it doesn't quite appeal to the general public much. I think.
Posts: 3928
Karma: 65
Posts: 181
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andy and pep both skied in qualifiers...neither advanced; and it wasn't because they were too stylie for the judges. it was because they didn't ski the course well. neither used poles, neither did very good or stylie tricks (pep did spread eagles).
i guess my problem is there were other skiers who really deserved to have a shot at x-games and didn't get the opportunity because pep and andy accepted invitations and never had any intention of truly competing. if they don't feel the need to compete (which pep says he doesn't), then they should just decline the invitation and give other skiers who enjoy competion to have the opportunity.
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
I kind of agree but they did earn the invitatioins, they used them and probably had lots of fun.
Posts: 181
Karma: 10
how do you define "earned" the invitations? basically a committee decides who gets invites. some of the spots are reserved for winners and placers of certain competitions, and the others are for committee discretion. pep really doesn't do comps and hasn't for awhile. the ones he has done he hasn't done well in. andy i'm not sure about. has he competed much and done well? a big part of those discertionary spots are filled through sponsors "arm twisting". if you have a sponsor with a lot of pull with members of the committee, then you get a spot.
Posts: 2507
Karma: 490
Yes, we are very selfish people. The "opportunity" is a very rare one, and passing it up would be idiotic. Would these "alternates" really have beat Thovex? Somewhat doubtful if sammy couldn't.
Oh, and boxes at X are whack. Should only be single bar or shotgun rails........
Posts: 259
Karma: 41
I don't know anything about andy mahre, except the bad frontpage picture right now. What is that? how did that mas the ns front page? I never thought pep fujas was an amazing skiier, but someone at k2 liked him, which is why he is in videos, which has probably made him a better skier now, but other people could have used that sponsorship more. It's like brad holmes being in ski movies and in huge marker ads. What has he done in the last 5, 6 years that stands out. A lot of this stuff is marketing and who you know. My opinion is that being in the x-games and in magazines isn't what skiing is all about anyway.
Posts: 3022
Karma: 71
^"but someone at k2 liked him"... oh man are you going to get flamed. Hell I'll start, everything you said is frighteningly inaccurate, massively ignorant, and just plain rediculous.
Posts: 3022
Karma: 71
well except the last part about how skiing isn't all about being in mags and X games as for most of us that is very true, I'll give you that.
Posts: 4502
Karma: 47
Bahaha, coincidence that all of the first and "third" scores are the same? no, there were only 2 runs, they took the best score of 2
Posts: 384
Karma: 10
Can't really fault someone for accepting an invite to X, but I guess the question is why? Why enter a comp you don't even want to win? More importantly, why would ESPN invite two people that don't ride park...
Posts: 2507
Karma: 490
Who ever said I didn't want to win? I just haven't water ramped enough to win. Or I mean, I've never water ramped.
Posts: 12811
Karma: 1,971
you should build one into rimrock lake, nice and cold.
Posts: 196
Karma: 7
i think its great that pep and andy did that... they were just making a statement and having fun... so what they ski better then probably all the final 10....
Posts: 6436
Karma: 109
Maybe some people are there just to have fun? If you are already an established skier whats the need to spin to win when you can throw down some sick stylie stuff like a shifty zero spin.
Posts: 13040
Karma: 1,419
switch ups are played too
Posts: 13040
Karma: 1,419
I dont blame riders for doing them in comps, that's what judges and general public wanted to see.
Posts: 4572
Karma: 936
dude they were there i saw pics of them
Posts: 2894
Karma: 40
Apparently someone hasn't seen Pep's seggy in 1242....fuckin moron
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
i dunno they were probly just trying to set themselves apart from the other competitors just didnt want to do what everyone else was doing
that probly means something to them
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