I remember one time my senior year in HS, I was having a fucking HORRIBLE day. I don't even remember why, probably some stupid childish reason but at the time it seemed really bad. Anyway, my friend invites me over and he's like fuck it let's have a drink so he pulls out some iced tea, and then takes it up 10,000 notches and puts everclear on the table. So we make a mixed, extremely flammable, drink of iced tea and everclear and proceed to drink it as quickly as possible.
On a roll with good ideas we figure hey let's go outside and skate…which goes about as poorly as you'd guess. As the ridiculous proof of that shit starts to kick in we decide to go inside and play xbox. I honestly don't know if we actually played or not but we left the front door wide open and we both passed out on the basement floor/couch completely bombed around 4p.m. Sometime around 8p.m. his mom woke us up, shaking her head in extreme disappointment, and that's the extremely cool story of my getting wasted on a weeknight. I then rode my bike (zig zagged with a minimal ability to maintain balance) home, hit a speed bump and shit my pants and decided everclear may have been a little bit of overkill. I didn't really shit my pants but if you read this far you deserve some sort of excitement.