your exposed and fragile ego, taking the full brunt of this painful wait...has dissapated.  or at least it did 7 days ago when your first storm hit, followed closely on its heels by a second.  with the best laid plans having already taken thier first steps - the weight of the green leverage burried deep in the wyoming fluff, the only feeling left is light, floaty, and riddled with early season exposure, ripping out chunks of p-tex and core between yelling and laughter among friends recommited to the same and seemingly endless dream.  i find myself waking up that first shivering morning in the parking lot with 8+ inches of meticulously constructed frozen crystals, straight from the hand of God, Jah, Allah, or whomever you want to give credit this miracle of water, sitting on the truck.  and in this moment i thank my creator for friends in high places....for riding the first of many cycles to come on a corporate management pass is an early season blessing i will never forget.  seems all that im floating on these days besides the snow is my good name and good credit....

and what of the riding??? im quickly reminded of the masochistic inevitability of this sport...and in that i again see truth.  for this sport is life and to make it so I will fully accept my self destructive fate.  gonzo style with only those in formal positions to skate around...mountain managers, police, the forest service among others.   i am taking on a season that may be far more imperitive to my existance than anything i have ever before staked claim in.  I will ski, i will snowboard....i will ride.  these simple statements harbor my only desires.  I will not work, at least what the sheep view as such, but i will sustain.  this is my testament...this is my life...