Not too long ago I made a thread asking for help to create a timeline of the winning tricks from X Games Ski Big Air.
Of course NS delivered and I got a pretty good response and a lot more information than I expected.
After finding all of the videos I can now make the timeline.
So here it is!
Below were judged best score out of 3 jumps.
1999 - JF Cusson // switch right 720.
2000 - Candide Thovex // D Spin 900 Iron Cross.
(couldn't find a video but you can read up about it here and if you know of a video post a link in the comments)
2001 - Tanner Hall // switch rodeo 720 tail.
Now, to my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong) Big Air was not an official event at the X Games for the next 6 years except for 2006 when Slopestyle got cancelled so they decided to run a Big Air event at the last minute. Although the event was actually called "best trick" I'm still going to add it to the timeline.
2006 - TJ Schiller // switch 1080 high mute.
(couldn't find a video but you can read up about it here and if you know of a video post the link in the comments)
Below were judged by viewer text in voting.
2008 - Jon Olsson // double flat 900 japan (more commonly known as the Kangaroo Flip).
2009 - Simon Dumont // Double Frontflip Superman.
Below were judged on a jam format and best 2 scores counted.
2010 - Bobby Brown // switch double misty 1440 mute and switch double misty 1260 mute.
2011 - Alex Slchlopy // switch 1440 mute and double cork 12 mute.
2012 - Bobby Brown // switch double misty 1440 mute and double cork 1260 blunt.
2013 - Henrik Harlaut // nose butter triple cork 1620 and nose butter double cork 1260 blunt. (feat Tanner's inspirational words for Henrik before he dropped in the second video)
2014 - Henrik Harlaut // nose butter triple cork 1620 and switch tail butter double 1080 blunt.
What do you think is in store for X Games Ski Big Air in the future?
What are your thoughts on how much the sport has progressed/changed over the years?
What are your thoughts on how the event overall (e.g course, judging system, style/fashion) has progressed/changed over the years?
Thanks to the following people for helping out with the info by commenting in the original thread
Inspired media