8 skiers took on the Big Air jump today in a 25 minute jam session with the top 5 joining the pre-qualified medalists from last year in the finals. The controversial both ways requirement was still in place but nonetheless, it was an insane stuntshow. Everyone got 5 runs and somehow there were barely any crashes. The shock of the day was Fabian Boesch not making it to finals (possibly a questionable call too).
- A Hall: Switch left dub 14 seatbelt japan + opp tail (44.00), switch right dub 14 opp mute (37.00)
- Gus Kenworthy - Carved left dub 16 tail (40.00), right dub 14 high mute (36)
- Oscar Wester: Right dub 16 tail (37), left trip flat 12 japan (37.00)
- ABM: Switch right dub 14 tail (37.00), switch left triple 14 truck/bow and arrow (44.00).
- Fabian Boesch - Right triple 16 safety (39.00), Left triple 1980 safety (40.00)
- Evan McEachran - Switch left double 18 blunt (44.00), right triple 16 safety (43.00)
- Christian Nummedal - Switch left triple 18 mute (43.00), switch right dub 14 safety (38.00)
- Birk Ruud - Left double 14 tail to tail (41.00), right dub 14 tail to tail (44.00)