X Games Halfpipe went down under the lights and the same persistent snowfall the slopestyle riders dealt with earlier in the day. The format was a 30-minute jam format judged on overall impression but was effectively a best run counts. Proceedings kicked off with a heartwarming tribute to Sarah Burke and the ladies did her proud tonight. This was a great contest.
The first few runs saw Zoe Atkin hip check after a strong start and Brita Sigourney throw a huge 9 with unbuckled boots to then cruise the rest of the course. Svea Irving and Annalisa Drew put down solid runs but would build amplitude later on.
Hanna Faulhaber's first run was an absolute masterclass of style and amplitude, getting 16ft out of the pipe and using great axes, back to back flairs and a cork 9. As well as a huge tail grab on the first hit, fast becoming a signature. This put her up top in the live ranking.
Kelly Sildaru took her usual approach; more hits and tech, right 5, to left seven backed up with both ways alleyoop 5s. This was appreciated by the judges and put her in the top spot.
Brita Sigourney came out swinging in her third run. Throwing a huge 9 and dropping a 10. She hung onto a right seven snuck into the end of the pipe. Some looseness kept her in 3rd, but a sick run, with time allowing for a fourth Brita was looking threatening to the top two. Kelly added back to back 9s to the top of her run to give herself some breathing space at the top of the ranking.
Annalisa Drew laced a lovely alleyoop flat 5, but struggled to keep speed and laid out a cossack for the fans in run 3. Svea Irving took a a rough looking fall on an alleyoop 7, sent right after a huge 9, she skied well all night. Dillan Glennie took caught an edge on the deck exiting a switch 7. Both nasty looking falls but no damage done.
Brita Sigourney put herself into second with a dope run, 900 to alleyoop 3 mute to 1080, with the seven on the last hit, it was cleaned up and bigger than her run 3, earning her provisional second and bumping Hannah Faulhaber - next to drop - into 3rd.
Hannah Faulhaber skied with some serious aggression and airing 18ft out of the pipe on her first hit her run it was cleaned up but not quite enough to bump the veteran Sigourney
1. Kelly Sildaru
2. Brita Sigourney
3. Hanna Faulhaber
4. Zoe Atkin
5. Devin Logan
6. Dillan Glennie
Full Recap (you may need a VPN if you're outside the US)