A few days ago, Wiley Miller announced that he was parting ways with longtime sponsor 4FRNT. At that time, he had already listed RMU at the top of his sponsors list on his website, but after the news broke he was leaving 4FRNT it was briefly removed. As of today however, he has been officially added to the RMU team joining Benny Smith & Ethan Swadburg.

RMU had this to say in their official press release:
"This new partnership with Miller encompasses RMU’s expansion of not only their athlete ambassador program, on which Miller will sit, compete and film for, but also in product development and design of skis and outdoors gear offerings from the hand-crafted outdoors brand. Miller comes from an immersive design and development background, through major roles in product development with 4FRNT Skis, and over 10 years of dedicated work and film segments with Level 1 Productions.
As such, RMU and Miller will kick off the partnership by utilizing Miller’s expertise and passion through the 2017/18 winter to prototype new skis and develop a Miller pro-model by season end. From topsheet art to form and function, Miller will have creative control over designing a ski that performs just as he skis, playful in pow, progressive and high performance."
A Wiley Miller promodel is already slated for release in the coming week which might be the fastest promodel turnaround I've seen. From RMU: "The Wiley Miller pro-model will be available on 12/18 and interested parties can follow the evolution of the ski at at www.RMUOutdoors.com from 12/16."
Congrats Wiley!