Nicki Slechta enters her fourth year with SGT and her tenth year as best hair in snowboarding. Nicki’s attitude toward life is to live it all day every day. She is able to take the challenges of life and turn them into positives. She is never down on herself or others and is truly a joy to be around. Slechta’s energy and unapologetic quest for fun inspires everybody she is around.
By the way Nicki is ridiculous on a snowboard, not for a girl, for anybody. Her consistently high finishes on the Dew Tour in slope style combined with her numerous wins all over the world should help you understand.
“Nicki Slechta was a serious reason why I took this job, just to ride and hang out with her makes Argentina, snowboarding and life more fun”
-Dean of Communications
Tyson M. Crockett.
How Nicki got started at SGT . . .
Originally, I was a friend of previous coach Natalie Gough. After spending my 2008/2009 winter with her in Tahoe she told me numerous stories of her coaching job in Argentina during the summertime. Naturally it sounded like the best place on the planet. With talks of everyday powder, incredible food, and an amazing SGT family I needed to find a way to go. She mentioned that another ex-coach, Robyn Van Gyn, had decided to make the next summer her last moving to a more serious career for Roxy. Natalie said if I could figure out a way to pay for my first trip down that it would most likely be used as an interview process to see if I would fit in with the SGT family and if my riding level was strong enough, I could move into Robyn?s position the following year.
I figured out how to make some kinda ends meet, and bargained with owner Travis Moore so I could get to Argentina. I stepped up to the plate and got my ass down there. I spent 3 weeks my first summer, and spent everyday trying to memorize zones, rocks, trees, and cliffs. I paid as much attention as possible to learn Cerro Caterdral better than any mountain I?ve ever ridden in North America. I also realized this was the best place I could be during my summertime. The SGT Family was the greatest group of people, making everyone who came feel welcome and giving them the best experience of their lifetime.

The following summer Robyn Van Gyn moved on to other things and I managed to find myself a coach at SGT. I continued to use everyday as a learning experience. Any opportunity I had to follow Chris Coulter or Skyler Holgate was used to broaden my knowledge of the mountain and used to pass on to future clients. I still make sure to pay attention every minute, and am still continuing to learn about new sidecountry and backcountry in the area. It?s truly is the best job I have ever had and continues make the best summers of my life.