Please note we haven't included any tricks not available to watch online. And so, without further ado and in no particular order... The top 10 ski stunts of 2017.
LJ Strenio - Backflip to column
LJ's entire edit is fucked and we could have picked just about any trick from it for this article. But this seems the most pointlessly dangerous trick, the most 'only LJ' of the lot. Why? Because only LJ would even consider pulling off something as ridiculous as this.

Phil Casabon - 180 to switch tailbutter 180
I honestly didn't really know what to call this trick so I'll let it do the talking for itself. Twig was at Kimbosessions all week and reckons this is the most fucked up thing he saw. It was probably the craziest park session of recent times so naturally, it makes the cut.

Alex Hackel - Ultimate Disaster 270
This could go horribly wrong in so many ways. Eat The Guts low-key could be movie of the year and Hackel's ender is undoubtedly in the top 10 tricks. #Hackel4Prez.

Magnus Graner - Nosebutter bomb drop
Magnus' RealSki edit caused plenty of controversy after he was announced the winner over the likes of Dollo and LJ. The nosebutter 180 to bomb drop tranny find was damn fresh, gnarly and a thing of beauty all at the same time.

Kimi Vallioniemi - Insane Nosebutter at Ruka
There've been some insane nosebutters this year but this one came out of nowhere and probably takes the cake. How the fuck did he do that? Was it the water at Ruka? It was definitely the water. You'll want to follow him before he blows up.

Andri Ragettli - Quad Cork 1800
Umm, yea so this happened and it'd be a crime to leave it out even if you think quads/future spins are whack. Say what you want, casually stepping up to this in some sunnies and straight sending is gnarly as fuck. Rumour has it he did it twice and decided he didn't like the grab on the first attempt. On a quad cork. Who does that?

Eirik Saeteroy - Switch Pre-Nose Dub 12
Probably the nuttiest trick in a contest of the whole year. He grabbed all the way from pre-takeoff to landing with ease and claimed the shit out of it. 10/10 for changing the comp game.

Alex Hall - Cork 180
This is another contender for the craziest contest trick of the year. Alex Hall could frankly have a top 10 tricks list of his own and it wouldn't look much less impressive than this one as he continues to bend & twist his way to the top of the sport. From switch triple 18s to cork 1s, he has probably the biggest trick bag in the game and this should definitely be impossible.

Candide Thovex - Double Backflip
Candide is doing it better than anyone in the game right now. Last year he released next to nothing (11 short clips, on social only) and still ended up being probably the most viewed skier on the planet. And when you can send it like this, that becomes a whole lot less surprising.
Colby Stevenson - Switch lip > front 2 > nosebutter switch 7
Kim Boberg's Kimbosessions was actually fucked up this year and these 3 recap videos are easily some of the best from 2017. Rounding out the Top 10, Colby Stevenson got extra spicy on the knuckle for the second trick from the event to make this list.
