When it rains, it pours.
Or at least the saying held true last night in Whistler for the WSI big Air. Under the lights and the rain the last big air comp of the year went down in true Whistler fashion.
The jump was nice and big, right at the base, with a large crowd watching from down in Whistler village. There were triples thrown in practice on friday, but slow speed thanks to the rain put the kibosh on that and the comp really focused on who could go the biggest and throw down the cleanest tricks, which was actually kind of nice for a change.
It truly poured for me, forgetting my flash triggers after hauling my strobe all the way to the jump, and this nice hangover this morning courtesy of one Jeff Schmuck.
The rain and the booze, are trying to my mental capacity right now, so I'll stop trying to write a smart and witty article.
What Matters:
Alex Ferreira won the night with a giant laid out naked backflip
Jesper Tjader won the comp with a dub 16
Bobby Brown got second with a switch dub misty 12
Bobby went LARGE
Vinni Gagnier got third with some trick that was probably nuts because it's Vinni. (Edit: the internet tells me it was a Bio 1260 Octo to Tail)
ABM did a pretty neat dub 7 blunt
The Breck Boys think Bobby should have won
Schmuck bought me a lot of drinks, thanks dude
Jesper Pre-Drop
Woodsy Dropping In
Alex Ferreira, Still Clothed
Photo: Riley Snyder
Photo: Riley Snyder
Photo: Riley Snyder
Photo: Riley Snyder
Photo: Riley Snyder
Photo: Riley Snyder
Photo: Riley Snyder
Full Results: