words: ckophotos: cko & Felix RiouxVolkl has taken the 4th annual Orage Masters. Mammoth, CA provided a perfect setting for the event with warm temps and bluebird skies for the third straight year. It was great to see the competing teams making the effort to clad themselves in ridiculous costumes and throw down on a pefectly manicured slopestyle. We had pirates, business men, rednecks, and even a Chuck Norris tribute. We've recorded the whole comp and are getting it online as we speak. In the meantime you can check out the pics below. 

Jacob Wester airing it out.
The Dumont, as The Lion
Pirates on course with Bishop on follow-cam duty.
Peter O. as the Tin Man.
Ground Zero
Sammy, as the Scarecrow.
Mad about the results? Blame Harvey, he was judging.
Gap over the trap.
Grete with the pole trick on the down.>
It's like a triple grab.>
Chuck Norris in full effect.