Two Plank Productions, a student based film company out of Crested Butte, Colorado is proud to announce the premiere of their new movie, Elevation at Flatirons Theatre in Boulder, Colorado. The new movie follows Peter Olenick and all of his new stunts, pro tele-jibber Max Mancini (Boulder Local), new comer and returning star John Symms as well as many other contenders in the sport. Evan Bunt backs up Two Plank's big mountain section with amazing shots from the Colorado backcountry, and JP Auclair makes a guest cameo in the film. Boulder resident Matt Farrar also appears in the film that is sure to leave people happy and ready for an awesome ski season ahead in the best ski city in the country. This film was produced and shot by Ben Somrak, and Corey Tibljas. Josh Berman from Level 1 Productions also helped out a ton in this movie and "pretty much contributed 50 percent of Peter's segment," Ben Sac said. The third release from Two Plank is not the end of the road. "We have already been filming with Steele, Peter, his bro Michael, and Jess Cumming in Aspen this year. Every year we put out a more sick movie, and I know people are going to love this one. It's our best to date," said Corey. Murray Wais of Matchstick Productions commented on the professionalism of the film at the World Premiere of the film in early November.
Elevation is set to show to the people of Boulder on Friday, December 5th at 8PM at the Flatirons Theatre. Meet the crew and get free stuff from our sponsors while you check out this year's new release from Two Plank. It costs 7 dollars for general admission and 5 dollars for Boulder Freeriders with their freerider ID card. Come get stoked for the season at Flatirons Theatre in Boulder Colorado, and we hope to see you there!