"Didn't think I'd ever see these again, but
thanks to the good dudes at Stokyo the Sound Wagon (aka Vinyl Killer)
is reborn!
You might have seen these back in the 70's (if you're old
enough) or most probably in the 90's on those old ISP videos, but
incase you are unfamiliar, this little van is actually the world's
smallest portable record player. No joke! The van (officially licensed
by Volkswagen btw) actually drives around your record and plays music
out of the self contained speaker. It uses a small stylus under the van
to track the record while the internal motor propels the van around the
record at a perfect 33 1/3 speed (sorry no 45 RPM mode). The sound
isn't the greatest (it's a toy speaker of course), but it's mad fun to
use and can act as an emergency record player at used shops and garage
sales if you forget to bring your portable. Runs off a 9V battery not
NOTE: Not recommended for use on invaluable records.

by snackmaster at Turntablelab
Can purchase from Stokyo.com