Welcome back to the Weakend. First off, Happy Christmas to all of you! Hopefully you've perfectly dialled in the combo of good food, a non-crippling hangover and shred laps on this most consumerist of days. Maybe someone went out of their way to upgrade your steeze or plug your gaper gap. Maybe there were even two planks of wood with perfect curves at both ends sitting under your tree. Or maybe you're just out there getting some turns and loving life. No matter, what I'm trying to say is, I hope you're stoked and have a great day. For our part, if you head to the store before December 31st and enter the code 'freestickers' we'll send you out a starter sticker pack as thanks for being part of this awesome community.
And so on to the skiing. It being the festive season the industry went in to something of an ill-advised, it being peak season, shutdown. We picked out our All Mountain Editors Picks, the style showdown continued and Zach Masi got his well deserved 'On The Come Up'. Oh yeah and Breckenridge tried to sell a halfpipe. But without question, the biggest thing that happened this week was the release of Keeshlife The Movie. The street skiing bar has been raised yet again by Finland (never forget Nipwitz!).
We're also stoked to announce Keeshlife have joined the NS Producer program (before the movie launched, we just forgot to announce it in all the hype). So they are making some $ from us on all their ad views from now on. In other industry news, Clayton Vila joined O'Neill. It's awesome to see one of the best street skiers on the planet getting new backing. You have to watch his welcome vid, it hurts my knees and brain in equal measure.
Joona Kangas continues to be, in my mind, the best skier on the planet to follow on instagram right now. He drops at least one hammer mini-cut every few days, hard working social media skier right there. Alex Beaulieu-Marchand answered our members' questions shedding some light on 'that' switch 9 tap, and did some mind bending ski maneuvers for EHeath's lens. He also dropped a crazy mini-movie from his season a couple of weeks back that you should definitely check out.
The final two highlights this week come from completely different ends of the production spectrum. They highlight for me the awesome variety you can achieve in filming skiing, even when you're stuck in the park thanks to conditions not playing ball. And they are Laurent DeMartin's Suicide Boys backed, drone shot filled stylefest Drycember and the lofi + insane skills, offering from Oliver Hoblitzelle Zoom With Fish, featuring none other than Avril Lavigne. Both are absolute bangers.
Check your hangovers back in on New Year's Day for another instalment of The Weakend. Until then, Happy Shredding!