So I got the chance to head up to Alaska with Mike D and Mark Abma for Salomon Freeski TV and PBP’s Movie, Every Day Is A Saturday!

Some of the most amazing skiing I have seen and skied! Being able to go up there with two legendary skiers and learn from there experience. Needless to say everyone killed it and I learned a lot about being in such massive mountains and how to charge big slopes.
The first few days were spent in the heli, looking for terrain and testing the snow. You gotta know what’s going on in those white layers of death beneath you.

On the third day we got to step into the most amazing spine zones I’ve ever seen or skied. The zone just rapped around, unlimited spines!!!!

We pretty much skied the hell out of it!!! Getting up to 6 lines each in a day! So sick! A very successful trip, ending with somewhere around skiing 10 of our 15 days we where in AK.

The morning I left AK was the afternoon I stepped into my park skis at Ski Bowl in Oregon. Going from BIG lines too Big park features was crazy. After skiing such big scale mountains, coming to the park shoot it gave me a bit of a different outlook. The features where big and gnarly but it really didn’t scare me like it used to. The big lines just changed my perspective on fear and what really is big. Anyways, Ski Bowl was sick! PBP killed it once again!!!!

Josh King built us some KING like features and we had some awesome sessions. I finally landed my first double. Dub 12! So stoked!
To put the thread to rest that I sh*t my pants. There are no pic's. But it did happen. Haha. I over shot the big side of the cross jump we had built to dead flat and the impact was just that brutal. So there ya are. You heard it from the man lol!

Yep I pooped right there^^^

So stoked to see all the kids out there shredding! The level these young kids are at in the park just blows my mind, there isn’t a trick these kids cant do. Look out for crazyyyyy progression in the coming years, kids are bringing fiyaaaaa!!!

After Mammoth I headed down to Mt Bachelor to meat up with the PBP crew (Walker, Dumont, Jossi, Schiller, Symms and Durtschi. To session a huge 110ft step down and a really unique rail and wall feature. Alport creations I call them haha.

You have all seen the video of the idiot that decided to poach our jump, can’t believe he even tried it. Don’t know what was going through his head.
Anyway, we had some awesome sessions and everyone threw down!!! Look out for EVERYDAY IS A SATURDAY!!!!
Then back to Whistler to rest up and wait for summer camps, got to film a few days before the hill closed down, starting the summer web edit. Look out for it in the next month!!!!!
Keep it real!!!!
Peace out!