The International Freeskiing Film Festival and NS Awards are just two months away. The 2nd annual event will be going down in Montreal from September 12th-15th, and everyone will be there, so you should too.

Stay tuned to NS over the next month or so for news and updates on what will be going down at the festival, as Felix Rioux and JF DuRocher (along with some assistance from the lovely NS staff) are neck deep in planning what will undoubtedly be the biggest and best way to kick off the season.

But for now, it's time for you amateur film companies to submit your movie to us for the expanded Am division of this year's NS Awards, which will be going down on Saturday, September 13th.

The Mystic Land Productions boys taking home last year's award for Best Am Film

Here's the submission details...

-Submit your movie on a DVD, properly labeled (Title, Production Company, Contact info and Duration).

-Your submission must arrive at our offices by August 15th.

-DVD's will not be returned to sender.

This year's NS Am Awards will consist of the following categories: The Under Armour Best Film Award, Best Cinematography, Best Soundtrack, Best Editing and Best Rider Performance. In addition to these, the following coveted awards will be open to both the Pro and Am divisions: the Jury's "Coup De Coeur," Most Innovative Visual Effect, Best Single Shot and Best Trick.

Sky Pinnick of Rage Films accepts last year's award for Best Pro Film

Please send your films to the following address by August 15th...

IF3 Festival Inc.

3745, rue Saint-Jacques O. Suite 204

Montreal, Quebec

H4C 1H3


...and until then, be sure to head over to our trailer page to do some more drooling over the multitude of films that will be premiered to the world at IF3 2008, and mark September 12th-15th on your calendars!

...and you can bet your ass Doug will be doing this again in September.