Hey everyone on NS, Jamieson Irvine here giving you the scoop on the summer and my time at Mammoth for the Salomon Jib Academy Finals…

The Salomon Jib Academy Finals held at Mammoth was a great trip­- I had the most fun skiing I’ve ever had! It was great to see all of these other young shredders tearing it up from all over the globe and I got to meet quite a few people that were really cool from the rest of the Salomon team. I was stoked to be a part of the Jib Academy finals this year.

Photo by: Scott Markewitz

Photo by: Scott Markewitz

Photo by: Scott Markewitz
I roomed with a fellow Canadian from B.C. named Tucker Visser, and also Cody Cirillo from Colorado. They were super fun to ski with and I hung out with them for the whole week which was rad!

Photo by: Scott Markewitz
Mammoth is an amazing mountain- they have a huge amount of park terrain features and natural hits to explore when your skiing around the mountain.

The weather was hot every day, making the jumps super soft and forgiving. There was a fair amount of wind which stopped us from hitting our private jump, which was sorta a bummer, but the last day the wind died down and the jump ended up being really fun.

Photo by: Scott Markewitz
There were tons of kids throwing down rodeos, corks and bio’s and anything else you could think of.
Thanks for the good time Salomon!

Photo by: Scott Markewitz

I got the chance to film for a day- here is the vid and a couple of pictures… http://www.vimeo.com/4602633
After Mammoth and a little break back in Barrie Ontario I headed out to Mt Hood for two weeks with the Ontario Pipe and Park Team.

My brother Jack is on the team this year too and is killing it these days! Check him out below!

Photo by: Trudy Irvine
This was my second year at Hood. It’s pretty cool there- the hill is a volcano cone and is huge and dirty. I stayed in Govy with all the other Ontario Hoodlums. I learned a bunch of new tricks- rodeo 9s and 10s, switch cork and bio 9s, 10s, and 12s; and spent some time just working on my grabs and trying to perfect my tricks.

Photo by: Andrew Mciver
I also made an edit of Mt Hood- it was filmed by teammates Luc, Blake and coaches Toben and Andrew- a lot by Andrew- thank you very much! Here is the link and more pictures of the trip below!
The rest of my summer looks like a lot of biking and a trip to Florida to visit my grandparents… and cottaging… and hanging out with friends…
I hope to see ya next season starting at the Georgian College Jib Fest Rail Jam in Barrie Ontario!
Gotta go get a hair cut…