The Next Generation: 3 British Skiers You Should Know of

Despite its relative lack of large mountains and snow, the UK has a fairly rich history of fielding decent skiers in both the comp and film scenes. Olympians James 'Woodsy' Woods and Katie Summerhayes as well as Legs of Steel athlete Paddy Graham all hail from that small, rainy, grey island in the north Atlantic.

Thanks to greater funding, accessibility and increased interest there's a really strong crop of British skiers coming through. But here's just three skiers that might be worth your while checking out:

1. Tyler Harding (18)

Despite blowing his ACL for a second time, Tyler has come back stronger than ever.

2. Mike Rowlands (17)

Not only has Mike made a respectable comp showing, but he's also found the time to put out some stellar edits over the years, most recently he claimed a solid segment in British ski flick Perspective.

3. Monty Wright (17)

Monty has been on the Armada UK team since he was 14, and he's been putting out quality content ever since.