The 09/10 Faction Collective lineup has been produced and ready to head out the factory doors


From the start in the EU based factory Faction skis are produced from the best materials available. The skis are not just put into a large machine and thrown on the shelf. Every step of the way, elements which make up the finished product are tested and retested, then hand picked and pieced together to make the best ski available at the most reasonable price.


This begins with the poplar cores reinforced with birch stringers........



Then the cores are cut and fitted with ABS durable sidewalls like on this 09/10 Alias.....



Topsheets are printed with non-toxic dyes and ready to be pressed with the strongest glues and epoxys around........



Undoubtably this hand-made process takes more time than a large factory producing thousands of skis per month but the end result is a ski which speaks quality to the point that The Faction Collective has an industry leading two-year guarantee on all production models. The work is never done and The Faction Collective design house, a collection of riders and engineering geeks, do not get any rest.


Access our dealer list and find a store near you or order direct from the online store at Also coming soon, Faction will be online at Bring on winter!!