Shane Mcfalls, best known as the filmer for Line Traveling Circus, has been on the forefront of the old camera trend for some time now. For him, a highlight of this trend was his entry to the WCS7 team video contest. The Drop Got in contact with him to ask him a few questions about this video, and the trend itself.

Before creating the "Team Home Movie" entry for WCS7 you stated it was not meant to be a joke, not an art piece. How did you feel about the video once it was finished?

Shane: I love how that video came out and I still get hyped watching it now. I would be way down if they brought back the team video comp, but I would not use tape cameras again. Maybe cell phones.

Once I finished Team Home Movies I got really excited about making all these other lofi video projects, until I found out how unpredictable old cameras can be when it's cold out. The camera's are 20 years old and there's too many old moving parts inside.

I made this video the following winter and went through two different VX1000 cameras. I would also duct tape handwarmers all over the camera and keep the spare batteries in my underwear. I sent one camera away to get completely rebuilt and a bunch of shots still got ruined.

Do you think that the kids out there using DVX and VHS cameras now have the same attitude you did or are they taking it too seriously?

Shane: There are way too many skiers taking themselves too seriously - regardless of whatever camera they are using.

Many people think that there are too many edits on NS right now that all look the same. What is your opinion?

Shane: I don't think that opinion is new. I'm sure that was being said five years ago, and I'm sure people will say it in the future. Maybe more people are making videos now, so there's just more middle of the road content? I know I don't have the attention span to watch most of NS anymore.

Did the "Team Home Movie" video have a greater effect on the ski filmmaking community than you expected? If so what was that effect?

Shane: This made me laugh - maybe a very tiny bit? I think I might have had a roll in persuading Jeff Kohnstamm to get an older camera? It's weird to think of any ski-video I've made to have affected anyone.

What would you say to skiers out there who are trying to make their edits stand out?

Shane: Utilize aspects of what influences you in finding your own voice. Regarding using the old cameras, yes, I'm obviously not the first person to do that and yes, I'm very influenced by things outside skiing, but I did grow up using those cameras to film skiing, so the attachment to that era and camera is real.

In an interview with powder magazine you said "I'm not trying to fucking change skiing or anything". Any comment on that now?

Shane: My mom says I swear too fucking much.

Hope that's useful, let me know if there's anything else I can do. Good luck with your new show!

Special thanks to Shane for responding to our emails and helping us out with our first episode!

Check it out here: