This past weekend we said goodbye to another season at Park City Mountain Resort and no closing day is complete without a raging party, am I right?  The scene happened at the base of the 3 kings lift with Cobra Dogs providing the food and DJ Matty-MO controlling the sounds. For most, this is the type of afternoon that has you checking your facebook profile the whole next day to make sure your poor decision making isn’t broadcasted to the world. Well it’s a good thing I brought my camera then, and this isn’t facebook…Either way, this is the day when I can reflect on a season come and gone. And no season is complete without thanking some of the people that make the Park City Parks so unique.

First off, thank you to Jeremy Cooper and his park crew for making the best of a season, that some could argue, never even happened. They made a tremendous effort to keep spirits high and the features fresh, closing day was no different.
Also a huge thanks to Cory Grove for bringing his Cobra Dogs stand to PC and without the conveniently placed wiener shack all the kids would have gone hungry like in years past. And if you happen to stop bye Mt. Hood this summer support your independent hot dog salesmen in Government Camp!
With the thank you’s out of the way, now it’s time to party. Lord of the Flies style…
Andy Partridge and Scott Damon closing out the season in proper fashion.
Steve Stepp was there.
DJ Matty MO had the place feeling like this.
“What is all commotion about” Henry the grom was there to shred.
Giray made people feel funny.
Coupla Zers fans.
Then it was time for last run.
The ribbon cutting.
Then it was mayhem.
Then it was time to party. See you next season Park City.