Cover photo by Laura Obermeyer

The United States had one of the most competitive slopestyle selections for the Olympics due to a deeply stacked field of talented skiers. The qualifiers have been a neck-to-neck race to earn FIS points and podium finishes for a shot at PyeongChang. In the end only three skiers could qualify based on their merits, while the fourth spot was chosen by the coaches.

Men’s Slopestyle: Nick Goepper || Gus Kenworthy || McRae Williams || Alex Hall

Nick Goepper and Gus Kenworthy are obvious chooves as they are leagues above the competition in terms of points and high podium finishes. This is both of their second Olympics so they’ll have another shot to medal for Team USA. Before the last two Mammoth qualifiers, the third spot was a close tie between McRae Williams and Quinn Wolferman - but McRae pulled ahead, solidifying his spot as the third representative for the US. The fourth spot, which was the coach’s pick, was up for debate as nobody was entirely sure who would get it. In the end it ended up going to Newschooler’s sweetheart and favorite pick for the spot, Alex Hall.

Women’s Slopestyle: Maggie Voisin || Devin Logan || Caroline Claire || Darian Stevens

Maggie Voisin is the only slopestyle competitor to solidify her spot in the Olympics back at Snowmass. Right behind her to qualify in second is Devin Logan, who finished with silver in slopestyle at Sochi. Caroline Claire is the last skier who qualified through points after she came out of nowhere and finished third at the last qualifier in Mammoth. The coach’s choice went to Darian Stevens, who ranked as fourth in FIS points after Mammoth.

The US Slopestyle Team will be one to watch out for in PyeongChang. Keep tuned as more countries announce their freestyle teams for the Olympics.