Tall Trees
by Newschoolers
For our last day in Northern California we ventured into Tall Trees Grove. Tall Trees Grove is best known as the location of the Libbey Tree, which at one time was the world's tallest known living thing. Taller trees have since been found, but they are kept secret making the Libbey Tree special because it is one of the tallest trees that you can see. I didn't know that the Libbey Tree was in the Tall Trees Grove at the time, but apparently it doesn't look massive from the ground because it's trunk isn't super big.To access the Tall Trees Grove you have to first get a permit by the State Park because they only allow a certain number of visitors per day. This added to the experience as we saw less people and were for the most part on our own. It's hard to photograph these trees and actually give their height justice and it's even more difficult to imagine how big these trees are unless you are standing amongst them. Aside from the trees, the five foot tall ferns surrounding them add to the brilliance. In the darker parts of the forest, the moss covers everything and trees are growing everywhere. It's quiet and mysterious. Every once in a while you come across brightly colored flowers that stand out in the dense and never ending green environment. Or the less colorful mushrooms with a beautiful wood look to them. Although we failed to find Big Foot in the Tall Trees Grove, we did find this little corn snake (at least that's what I think it is) down by the river. This hike was a perfect way to end out trip in Humboldt. The next morning we packed up and hit 101 down the coast into Fort Brag where we camped out before coming home to Tahoe where sunny weather awaited us!