So Sunshine was a fun time. Conditions were decent. 100cm base with groomers, packed and fresh powder. It was just good to get out and get back into the game. Let me tell you that first run was rough haha but after that things were smooth. We were worried that the lineups would be insane but we never spent more than 5mins waiting for the lift. Overall goodtimes. Tommorow my sister and I are on our way to Revelstoke for some sick powder. Its a long drive but i know it will be worth it. The plan is to camp out in our van so that we can save money for lift tickets. Weve got it rigged up with a heater, microwave, and sleeping area. We will stop by lake louise and build a kicker to sesh for a bit and then continue on our way. I dont know if ill be able to give day to day updates due to wireless availability but ill try my best. Ive posted some pics from the Sunshine trip. Happy Holidays and Good Shredding!
Super Sessions
by bigpimpinalberta