After skiing pow for most of the "summer" we finally get a little taste of the heat for session 3. And while it's got the dig crew on overdrive dealing with resinking rails and maintaining jumps, the campers are loving the classic summercamp weather.It's a historical week for us here at Momentum, this is the largest freeride session in our history, and we also have the largest coaching staff ever. This weeks coaches are : Sarah Burke, Kaya Turski, TJ Schiller, Josh Bibby, Tanner Rainville, Mike Riddle, Chris Turpin, Dana Flahr, Matt Hayward, Justin Dorey, Ian Cosco, Frank Raymond, Chris Turpin, Iannick B, Pete Olenick, and Colby James West. Off-hill we have Rory Bushfield coaching water ramp sessions while he rehabs his knee, and Roz G is running our trampoline sessions.The new lane has been getting absolutely killed by this weeks crop of campers, the step-over jump is working just beautifully, and I even overheard a camper call it "the best jump I've ever hit in my life". So enough chit-chat, here's some photos from the first half of the session, and if I can figure out how to do this, I'll also add the second videoblog onto it as well (fingers crossed).The wall is back in action, mean and green as ever...And here's a couple shots of the terrain from above, and across the glacier...Here's an extreme close-up.....The car is still parked (I think they lost their keys :))All together now...This jump has been getting tons of action...Who's that under the mask? A Cookie for the first right answer.And here's a"wheres Waldo" shot (gotta look really close to see it)Did you find it? Well here's the answer (same shot with the clothes colored just for effect)....And here goes my first try at embedding a video, hope it works.... Seeya later everybody
Summer is here!
by Trennon