Bula....knows how to party! At least that was the consensus of those who attended their Fall Fashion Show. Manufacturing wintersports accessories for almost 40 years now, Bula has reinvented itself this 2010/11 season with the aggressive marketing campaign "I'm NAKED without my Bula" with ads portraying barely-covered models and athletes alike. The recent fashion show was consistent with this campaign, taking place at the extremely upscale Bustop located on the outskirts of wholesome Boulder, CO.


Storm Mountain Publishing Crew

BULA Company peeps

Zach Berman and BULA PR Mia

All joking aside, the party was awesome! Bula kicked things off with a buffet-style dinner and open bar in a private room. There was more than enough food and drinks for all present, including International Bula Distributors, Bula Marketing and Sales people, and a few folks from Storm Mountain Publishing. The lighting was dark, the food was hot, and the beer was cold. Zach Berman liked the food so much, he took it upon himself to share with the strippe....uh,....'talent' of the fashion show. Zach left loaded with food and returned with a plate that appeared to have been licked clean. After everyone had gotten their fill, we were escorted to the Platinum Side of the club where the fashion show would take place. Sadly, I will have to leave the next part of the story to your imagination as pictures were not allowed during this time.


Some people just can't resist a brass pole...

This is more like it

Immediately following the fashion show, the club owner permitted Zach and I a 10-minute window to shoot photos of the girls actually wearing BULA gear. Once we finished, we returned to our original room for more drinks. Huge thanks goes out to Erik, Mia, and Greg at Bula for a fashion show/party that will not be soon forgotten.

3's a crowd

Zach gts-ing

nice boots

Group shot

whos got moves like these

Thank you BULA!