Nothing sucks more than getting to up to the ski hill and realizing you forgot something important like your gloves or goggles, or even worse, your pass. Every time I get in the car to go skiing I try to run a mental check to make sure I've got everything I need. But not all my friends are so responsible. And it sucks to watch their days get ruined because they forgot something basic. So I designed this charm to hang from the rearview mirror in your car.

As you head up to ski, everyone in the car can run though it quickly and double check to make sure the've got everything they need. It's quick and easy, just a small visual nudge to make sure you're not forgetting anything big. It's not meant to be an exhaustive list, rather it's the item's that are easiest to forget.

Again, this isn't meant to serve as an exhaustive checklist, instead it's just the things I've seen myself and my friends forget the most often.
Head to this link to download the printable file, and check out the tutorial video below to learn how to assemble.
Similarly, when I work as a photographer, I've noticed there are a few important things that are easy to leave home, like spare SD cards and batteries. So I put together a similar charm with photographers and videographers in mind. It's assembled in the same way, and hopefully can be a little helpful when it comes to getting the shot.

I'll have a couple more of these next week, so if you didn't see your particular brand of skiing represented, fear not, it's probably coming!
As always, downloads are free, you can even enter a fake email address, but if you feel like doing the digital equivalent of buying me a beer and throw me a few bucks, I really appreciate it!
Again, here's the download link!