Red Bull Playstreets 2015 is back in the Hometown from FASC

2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 – Red Bull PlayStreets 2015 is near, and for a lot of freeski and winter sport fans, the waiting comes to an end. Finally, the international elite is invited to kick off again and amaze the crowd with breathtaking performances in downtown Bad Gastein, Austria. The list of riders includes the “Who’s Who” of the international freeski scene. Hopefully also our FASC Riders Charles Gagnier and Vincent Gagnier will be invited again. Last Time Charles won the competition with an amazing run. It was a super lucky day for the whole FASC Family.

The impressive pictures of Red Bull PlayStreets are known to many people even beyond the borders of Salzburg and Austria and have already attracted tens of thousands of spectators to the Gasteinertal region. The freeskiing track, laced with kickers, corners, gaps and rails, snakes through the streets and over the roofs of the skiing resort. Besides a Suzuki Motocross bike, the winner gets, like his predecessors did, a star with his name on the Walk of Fame in Bad Gastein – what is likely to be motivation enough for the riders, to press every button in 2015!

And also FASC Clothing will be at the Event with there legendary tent. Lot of Great Offers and giveaways. Save the date: February 14th, 2015.
If you wanna enjoy a skiing holiday and watch the red bull playstreet??? Book your Room at Hotel Simader in Bad Gastein to a fair rate!
