Last spring I went with the Orage Team to the fabulous Retalack Lodge cat-skiing operation. Check out my powder filled ski trip with JP Auclair, Charley Ager, Michelle Parker and the rest of the crew…

Au printemps dernier j’ai passé quelques jours pour un shooting avec le Team Orage à Retalack. Voici quelques unes des images préférées du voyage avec JP Auclair, Charley Ager, Michelle Parker et le reste de l’équipe…

Retalack is located in the Selkirk mountains of the British-Columbia interior. The Lodge has high environment standards (Four Key Eco-rating) and has some of the best crew in the business.

Here’s a photo selection from the Orage Team trip at Retalack. We had amazing blue skies and still some good powder left even if it was late season. Don’t forget to check out the video about the trip and the very end of this photo blog!


Retalack est situé dans les montagnes Selkirk à l’intérieur de la Colombie-Britanique. L’entreprise a un très haut standard environemental et détient l’une des meilleures cote, le “Four Key Eco-rating”.

Je vous présente donc une série d’images du shoot avec le Team Orgae à Retalack. Le temps était parfait et restait encore de la bonne poudreuse à skier en fin de saison. N’oublier pas de regarder la vidéo à la toute fin de ce blogue photo!

Early morning nailing game…

Neil Sotirakopoulos

It’s a long trip up but well worth it. Retalack has 3 snowcats coverring 40 square KM, that’s a lot of terrain to yourself!


This is Karl the Gnarl!

A very cool cat, part poet, part cat driver …an interesting character.

Tim and JP check out the snow conditions before we go for our first descent.

Snow is good to go and Charley is stoked!


Michelle Parker

JP Auclair, pioneer of the newschool movement is still newschool.

360 hand drag!

JP and Charley hiking to reach some steep and deep…

JP wearing his signature Oakley pro model goggle.

JP surfing the wave.

Can’t get more bluebird than that.

Charley going for it!

Karl making us some pop corn.

Shameless plug.

After a good day of skiing, nothing better than a nailing game…

JP looking quite focued right now.

Karl writes a little poem everyday about our adventures in Retalack.

Technical and useful info and links:

Retalack Lodge

Snowcat access drop off points at elevations between 7000? and 8500?

Operations usually run from December to March depending on snow conditions.

Toll Free North America: 1-800-330-1433

Phone: 1-250-354-5324

Orage Clothing

This pretty much resume my photo essay on our trip to Retalack. Feel free to “Like”, Comment and “Share” my post

If you like some of these photos, you can always click on some of these images and it will link you to a page where you can purchase Prints online from my website.

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Orage JP Auclair ad

Check out the video filmed and edited by Neil Sotirakopoulos:

Orage Team Photo Shoot at Retalack BC from Felix Rioux on Vimeo.
