And off we were after checking out of #31 and picking up our rental

...PSYCH, we rented a golf...for four people plus luggage...yeah, that was fun. not.
anyway, we drove off into the Irish countryside and found our way to Newgrange, a celtic tomb that, for a couple of centuries, looks only like any other hill in the area....
driving up

the entrance and HUGE slab, one of the most famous pieces of megalithic art...check out the spirals, apparently a huge part of the art and beliefs of these people

so, that was pretty cool, especially seeing the use of the cruciform chamber in the main burial room, showing how christianity stole aspects from other religions/systems of belief...
next, we moved on to our shelter for the night, another B&B
here's my attempt at taking garden shots

and the cover for my new emo band...

the next day found us looking at a really cool cathedral on a rock..literally, just fucking perched up there and chillain

entrance, yay for distortion

thought this was kinda cool

and this, a ruined castle no more than a mile away from this cathedral/castle perched on a rock thinger...

and here's blarney castle where we went and kissed the blarney stone...

see that opening on the bottom of the ramparts? you basically lie down face up, head to the ramparts, and drop yourself through there to kiss the stone...

more castle

we went and saw another castle after, but i cant remember its name, but it was kewl.

and then we went home. cool, hope you liked it.