Now that the season is close, and everyone's getting jumpy, Gore is finally started to prepare for the new season. With the new ski bowl in place for our new park, we are looking at getting several new features. With the addition to Johara, as you all know as park J, to the GC we will hopefully get some good updates, and not half truths or Ted and his posies'(<haha spell check has pussies in here) guesses about what's going on. With the new park about to be ordered, and new park crew is being made. So far Cory, Dane, and Conor are on the chopping block too see who will join the ranks of prestigious park rangers. So if you think you really have what it takes message Johara and tell him why. I can tell you he's looking for reliable people who know how to work, and will be at gore all season. You have to be up nice and early, and have a way to get up there to start the day off right.
Even if you don't think you would make a good park ranger, still give us your input on what you want to see in YOUR park this season. Orders are to be placed soon, so if it's something major post it in the Kaylie Jane thread as soon as possible. Hopefully smaller features will be made in-house through out the season, so we can switch things up a little.
Pray for snow