A few days of sun in March means that the parks at T-Line are ripe for the picking. Hard-working photog Drew Smalley (http://www.dsimagery.com) contributed some shots for this update. Check out his recent shots from Timberline, Government Camp and Hood backcountry, they're sick!
Drew Stew on Francis the down-flat-down
Drew on Paintbrush 2nd jump
Jake Southard
Shawn Craddick and his picture-perfect rodeo
Craddick over the barrell
Thanks for the shots Drew!
If you like jumps, you'll like the Paintbrush three-line. (Ethan Stone photos)
Drew Stew 7 reverse mute on floaty Paintbrush jump 3
Hood River kids killing it
Sammy C has been dropping by and apparently enjoys spotting Paintbrush landings...
You could keep watching these updates... or you could come and see for yourself! http://www.timberlinelodge.com