So the past couple of months we have been putting the finishing touches to our online store, and getting the DVD innerds ready for printing. It seems like all the paperwork is nearly complete and we are shooting for our store to be open on November 1. That’s right, one week (note there is a slight chance this could change, but we are aiming for Nov 1).

The movie will be for sale in 2 major formats:

1) Online Downloads – the full film will be available for download at a ‘PAY WHAT YOU WANT’ rate. We have a minimum on that rate of $1.99. At the price of a beer or a coffee, you can’t not afford to pick this movie up!! All of the funds go directly to helping the filmmakers pay of this fil m and generate funds to be able to produce their second film, which already has a developed concept prepared.

We will have 3 formats for downloading: HD (high definition), SD (standard definition), and IPOD (used for your ipods, itouchs, ipads, etc.)

2) DVDs – We have only printed a Limited run of DVDs for Out of the Shadows. We want to encourage the online purchasing to decrease the overall waste, and as such only 500 DVDs will be available for purchase. These are $27.95

I’ll keep things updated here as we near the 1st, but hopefully that day many people will be having a movie night at home.


Note: all prices are subject to HST and shipping.