As I said, I was just in Austria for the Atomic PLM (Product launch Meeting), learning Mozart's history, and attending Oktoberfest.. Firstly, everyone at the Atomic meeting had the rare opportunity of seeing 1 of 3 musicians allowed to play Mozart's piano, play a few of his compositions, which was unreal...Secondly, I got to see the entire new Atomic line, and let me be the first to tell you, all the new skis, graphics, and boots blew me away. I can't wait for you all to see.Lastly, I went to Germany to visit Sven Kueenle and attend the World famous Oktoberfest. I did a tad bit of research on the world wide web, and I was 1 of roundabout 6 million people that partook in the festivities. It was the 175th Oktoberfest with 6.6 million beers consumed, people starting the daily drinking at 8am, and apparently souvenir-hunters attempted to steal nearly 200,000 glass steins. I had never seen so many lederhosens and such mayhem in my life. If you ever find yourself in Europe, I highly recommend visiting both Salzburg for some European culture and history, as well as Munich in mid September so you can take a look at the mayhem for yourself. Enjoy the pics. For more updates make sure to check out

Mozart a few hundred years later..
Mozart's piano.
Presenting the Bent Chetler's...
Early morning hangovers...
I've never seen so many people ready to drink at 9am.
Dancing on tables is a must.
The so called beer tent.. Looks more like a beer castle.