Words: Chris Marks
Photos: Russ Hurlburt (russhurlburtphotography.com)
As an outstanding season of snowfall on the Right Coast nears its conclusion, the higher-ups at Okemo decided to give the go ahead on an idea called, for lack of a better name, Okemo Spring Sessions I…the plan consisted of a few days of cat time, a few million cubic feet of snow, all the cameras in Ludlow, and a handful of East Coast 4BI9’ers and New Intelligent Groupers who were fiending for a lofty jump, close to home, to get some late season shots on.
Sean Kennedy checking speed
When the park crew was done blowing through diesel, the result was a poppy 80 ft. step-down, complete with a barbecue pit, that was unfortunately a year too late for last year’s Fischer Sweet Slopestyle.
Karns White, forward 10
Dale Talkington and Andrew Holson warmed up to the bootah wicked quick – maybe two speed checks apiece and they were ready to get down. With an epic ratio of at least two filmers and three photographers for each skier hitting the jump, rest assured, the shot got got. And the media that came out of the event is proof. Just wait until the new 4BI9 movie comes out to see…
Dale Talkington, cab 7
Andrew Holson, 900
The only injuries were two broken thumbs, unfortunately on the same guy…but he did it doing a lofty lawn dart, so it’s cool.
Andrew Holson, rodeo 5
Dale Talkington, switch 9
The concept was ideal – an invitational crew-based photo/media event on the east coast where all the athletes would need to cover was landing their tricks in front of the camera… lodging, tickets, snowmobile rides, it’s all good. The only things to change for next year: figure out a handful of other skiers to invite and change the name… any ideas?
Dale Talkington, 720