I know what you are thinking, another Podium shot on the home page... Sorry (not really) about this but another Ohio Dreams camper turned guest coach is putting up some impressive results.
Congratulations to Chris Laker, who to top honors at the most recent North Face Park and Pipe contest. This marks the second time Ohio Dreams has been on the podium as Nick Goepper placed third at the previous stop. For full coverage of the Park and Pipe Open check it out on Newschoolers here
Laker and Goepper (joined by camper Freddy Brideweser who competed in the Free Flow Finals) just came back from the final stop on the Winter Dew Tour. Goepper wrecked super hard, knocking himself out and as is procedure was airlifted to the local E.R. where everything checked out OK and he was sent home to recover. Laker just missed the cut for finals and Freddy recovered from a couple of crashes to pull an Eighth place at the Free Flow Finals.
Want to train where Laker, Goepper and Brideweser get their summer hits in? Make sure to register for camp soon as sessions are already starting to fill up.
Check out this video to see Laker in action getting his trampoline on!