Thumbnail credit. @stefan_mahl
Boxing day was covered by @thewayshego3s and his 2-minute upload titled "decent". Cruizing around a skatepark after an ice storm looks like a blast, and you get extra points here for including the dog clip. It's a super easy watch if you're looking to get your fill on urban material, so give it a click.

Next on the list is Metho Tical , brought to us by @skiP.E.I. and the homies. Another 2 1/2 minute edit, this time at the backyard setup. I wish I had motivated my younger self enough to actually put something together like this, maybe my rail game wouldn't be so garbage...

A gift from @Juho@Kilkki as well this week, with his next installment of Real Skifi titled "Relativity". "Time is a curious thing. Time is slow when you wait and fast when you’re late. Time has the power to make you grow up. Time will heal. Time will tell. Time appears to be a constant but it's not. Time is different to every observer. Time is subjective. Time is relative."

Probably one of the top films delivered to us so far this year, CAST from Forre has some all-time clips. Insane skiing, crazy locations, and top-notch production value here too. Also collecting those bonus points for including dog clips. Just go watch it.

The last spot this week goes to @HaydenB and the homies in their 3-minute edit called "newyear". Plenty more proof here that Hyland is a top exporter of nutty rail skiers. Another one added to my "favorites" playlist.

I also have to mention the @Line_Skis team mixtape for 2022. 44 minutes long, and timestamps for each team member's segment.
Be sure to check out the other uploads that I didn't mention this week, plenty of gold in there!
In the News tab last week, @Mayrandpodcast chatted with Harald Hellström about the work Forre has been doing. "The creative approach to his tricks and spot selection mixed in with his eagerness to go big makes him standout as one of the best street skiers in the world right now."
@cydwhit wrote a piece on his works influence in 2022, @Level1 posted a reminder to register for the Level 1 rail jam at Sugarbush on the 7th, and @iang wrote about remembering some of the legendary snow storms we've all experienced.
Again, no giveaways, so check out the buy/sell tab or even the NS store!