Photo cred : @OS_Crew /Hunter Smith . Rider : Aden Moore
I'd say we're reaching the point where I consider the season in full swing. Our routines have had their seasonal changes made to accommodate all the time we plan to spend on snow with the homies.
After all these years, the @TravelingCircus crew still finds ways to keep their new episodes just as entertaining as they were at the beginning. Episode 2 of the 15th season is titled Chopped and Screwed and is delivered to us via @Line_Skis . I was caught completely off guard by some of these clips and modifications, as was everyone in the ski shop they visit.

Tuesday brought us a gift from @El_Spatula called UNTITL3D. This seven-minute-long backcountry film was for sure one of my easier picks for this week, and is 100% deserving of your time as well. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for what this small crew cooks up next.

Waka Flocka will forever be immortalized as the soundtrack of skiers and boarders doing "hoodrat shit" with their friends. This week, the @buldozgang gave us a great example of this law in action, with their 20 minute flick simply titled "Y". These guys have such an insanely deep crew, I don't think they could ever miss.

Thanks to @Juho@Kilkki , we have definitive and undeniable proof that science can be fun. In Real Skifi - Newtons Laws (Part 2), we finally get to see Juho bring this experiment to the snow, after the extensive land (and water) training in Part 1 from this past summer. Isaac Newton, one of the greatest physicists ever, once said that “no great discovery was ever made without a bold guess”. A few centuries later Juho Kilkki said that “I doubt any great discoveries were made here but dropping in on any of these tricks sure felt like the boldest of guesses”

Since its trailer dropped earlier this month, we've all had November 24th marked on our calendars as the day that SOULSTAR would finally be upon us. I really don't have too much to say on it, because the reputations of Hunter and Owen should speak for themselves. Check the portfolio --->

Finnishing us off in the vid section this wee is ETHER from @victhundergilla . Short and sweet, at just over three minutes this one takes us back to those warmer days at Hood. is a tribute to the iconic intro of Phil Casabon, actually featuring this shamanic transformation…

In the news tab this week, @milo-mcsenderson brought us a very thorough addition to The Roofbox review collection. The 2023 Revolt 90 was under Milo's microscope this week, and things appear to be moving in the right direction here. The shape, flex, construction, and durability are all properly tested, and we even get some comparisons to similar models from other manufacturers.
Some bittersweet news from @Matchstick this week, announcing Scott Gaffney's retirement from the full-time director, editor, and Cinematographer role he held at MSP so faithfully. Gaffney gave an incredible 25 years of his life to his productions at MSP, so I think its fair to say he has more than earned his keep from this industry. We will continue to work with Scott as we produce our annual films and are extremely excited for what this new chapter will hold.
No giveaway this week! So instead I'll direct you over to the Buy/Sell/Trade tab. There's always some good shit that can be found in there...