Be sure to bundle up today Bozeman. Snow is officially in Montana, after a late start to the season. The National Weather Service predicts up to 15 inches in the mountains, and with the snow still coming down that could be a reality. In the Southwest both Big Sky and Bridger are both expected to get +14 inches, along with the surrounding valley floors receiving up to 7 inches.
With the preseason already going, this is a welcomed event. Although this storm is focused on the Southwest Missoula and Butte may see some snow overnight. GNFAC is reporting 20 inches in Cooke City with more accumulation expected. The Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center is expected to release a report of the total snowfall, along with backcountry dangers tomorrow morning. If you plan on skiing today make sure you take the necessary precautions for skiing on unstable fresh snow. It is expected to continue snowing lightly during the day, with conditions clearing up tomorrow. Another system is expected later this week.
Bridger Bowl Ridge Cam
Bottom of the Challenger Lift, Big Sky
Fairy Lake was killer! Check out some sick shots NS contributor Cy Whitling got!!
Cy Whitling Picture
Cy Whitling Picture