Now that the NS Awards recap has been posted and nothing was mentioned, I guess its on me to let the cat out of the bag. According to a message from Twig, I am Member of the Year. To celebrate I'd figure letting everyone in on who I am in real life a bit may be fun.
My real life name is Brandon and @MichiganCatFart is my real life little brother. I grew up in Holland Michigan, a midsize time on the shores of Lake Michigan. The town is known for upholding a faux Dutch culture but many of the local residents have at least some Dutch heritage including myself. Skiing was something my dad got me and my siblings into growing up. On Friday nights we would head out to Bittersweet and turn lap after lap on thrift store skis in terrible conditions but we loved every minute of it.

My dad and I at graduation.
This last May I graduated from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids which was cool but am very much done with being a full time student. I will be moving out to Idaho soon in a bit of a dream job scenario which is super exciting. (I would share more but don't need to organization tied to whatever I may have said in threads in the last 4 years.)

Dirt baggy touring pic.
Outside of skiing I enjoy an occasional mountain bike ride, going to hockey games (Go Wings!), board games, and river sports. If you need to know more ask away in the comments.