Can you believe the hype?

After 24 hours of online speculation, Saga has officially welcomed another into the flock - and no, it isn't Tom Wallisch. This time McRae Williams, he of the two last names, is joining the ranks of the Saga family. The reigning X Games slopestyle silver medallist brings a lot to the team, we're sure, especially given what the folks at US Freeskiing have to say about him: "Although slopestyle is William’s (sic) specialty (also sic), he loves to shred pow and build kickers in the backcountry, ski urban, and film video parts that show his well roundedness in skiing". It's the kind of diversified attack that makes the Saga team so special and will help to further pad its roster. At this point we can't confirm if they are the ones who made him get a haircut, but the lack of flow certainly contributed to the confusion as to who the new Saga athlete was.

welcome to the family, brother

The fact that it isn't Tom Wallisch is kind of a let down, especially considering the hype train that preceded the announcement, but that might be a commentary on the fact that every professional skier is a white guy from Utah more than anything else. To quote NS member Dix~, the entire situation came off as a little bit "fucking desperate," but we understand that social marketing is pretty much the way of the future so why the heck not?

The bottom line here is that we can't wait to see McRae do this:

But in camo. That is camo, right?