Martha Burley has had a busy early season, firstly her sister Monica came to visit and Martha showed her a full on Canadian experience, in Fernie: ski touring deep powder, curling, natural hot springs, eating warm fresh jerky, driving national highways knee deep in snow. Also deciding that every holiday requires a ski touring race, the Vert 180, where Martha, although apparently very unfit came, 2nd – sounds pretty fit to us.
Alongside all this, Martha has a new website up and running: and had pictures published in Backcountry Magazine Photo Annual, from a trip to Icefall Lodge.
Martha enjoying pillows at Icefall Lodge, BC, Canada.And double page in The Ski Journal with the ladies showing off their moss staches… haha ha:
Matha Burley, Paige Brady, Shaun Raskin, Candy Froerer.