Words:// Doug Bishop

Photos:// Felix Rioux

The trip started at D-structure in Montreal. One pickup truck short, we had

to manage with two wagons, and one jetta. Everybody had roof boxes, which made

the ski gear easy, but the tents, DJ equipment, and Generator were an issue.

Eric Audras of Powder 11 saved us with his truck, and took on the Generator.

The rest was rammed into the back of Amy, Felix, and my cars. Alexis Godbout

joined us at D-structure, and we jumped in the cars to head on our way. Two

stops left: Josh Bibby and the DJ. Bibby ended up having more stuff than one

can imagine for a one-day trip. Bungee cords were found, and luggage strapped

to the roof, we headed on.

Long drive, night of relaxing at the Travelodge in Oshawa, and an early morning

wake-up call later, we arrived at Lakeridge.

Lakeridge is one of the smaller mountains in Ontario, clocking in at 296 vertical

feet. However, they did have some fun little park features, so we knew it could

be a fun day.

We got everything set up by 9:30, right on schedule, the DJ (John Lee) started

playing, and the day was on.

The campers showed up for the morning session with D-structure pro Josh Bibby,

and they departed to learn some new tricks. The rest of the skiers that showed

up, proceeded to just take laps in the park and session with everyone. The turnout

was great for a small resort in Ontario, where the freeskiing scene is just

developing. There were 30 or 40 skiers lapping the park, with the handful of

D-structure riders sking around. Philou Porier, Dave Chriton, Josh Bibby, Alexis

Godbout rounded out the pro element. Local pro skiers Dave Bishop, Max Hill,

Charles Grant, and Alex James also decided to show up and throw whatever tricks

could be managed on the jumps and rails littering the small park. The big jump

was hard, as you had to skip everything else in the park just to clear it.



Josh trying his luck with Iannick's Girlfriend

Alexis throwing gang signs... I heard he rolls with the Wu-tang

Dave Chrichton was even hitting some of the smaller rails, showing that he's

ready to be back in the game soon after his injury.

Dave riding his new pro models, and sliding the C-box.

Everybody showed up in waves. There was such a desire to come out for the Jam,

one of the skiers took a CAB to get there! Now THAT is dedication to the sport...

Tyler went home with so much free stuff, it almost paid for the cab ride!

As the day progressed, there were various little jams going on. Josh offered

up a pair of Oakley Wisdoms for the first 270 onto the C-box. There was a few

extremely entertaining mishaps, but the 270 was stomped and the goggles won.

Jams moved around between the rails, and onto the jumps, and prizes from shirts

to brand new jackets were given out. There's never a shortage of prizes at the


Yeah new goggles

Around noon, we all headed in for our free hotdogs and fries. We didn't realise

that the Salomon guys had brought a barbecue, so there was no shortage of dogs

on this day.

Me pigging out in my dirty jacket. I've washed it, I swear!

The afternoon session went off. The music was bumping, everyone skiing, and

everyone throwing down whatever tricks they could on every feature around the

park. The D-jams are amazing because it's not a competition with all the stress,

it's just some fun skiing where great prizes get thrown out occasionally. I

did my best to make sure everyone went home with a handfull of new stickers

in my role as sticker bitch for the day. I guess I got to give out DVD's and

CD's as well, just to make sure everyone was stoked.

What a disaster... I think I even saw this guy doing the switch disaster.


Philou sliding the C-box in his G-unit denim.

The D-jams are a great time. No matter whether it's a small park, small mountain,

there's always a way to have a fun day. Everybody attending went home with an

armload of free stuff, a belly full of hotdogs, and a new goggle tan from the


Next weekend is the D-camp at Val St. Come, and anyone who is even slightly

close should come for it. It's two days of skiing, hot tubs, pool, big party

on Saturday night, and the legal age in Quebec is 18. Hey, maybe there will

even be girls there!

So all of you who aren't busy this weekend, come hang out with the D-structure

pros, and the NS.com crew. You won't regret it!