The 4th installment of a Pacific Northwest staple event went off last week and some Line MCs were there for the fun. The West Coast Sessions presented by Amplid and Windells was great with Joss Christensen, Garrett Russell, Carrie Rossman, Nick Miles and Tyler Barnes joining the fun and throwing down for the many forms of media makers in attendance. The public/private shoot/session/rally was capped off by an epic sunset shoot on the massive booter Timberline built high up on flanks of Mt Hood. Enjoy the pictures and video from Hennie VJ.
Erik Olson’s living quarters for the month, a little different from his Cavalier (see TC 2.1)
Mt. Hood and all it’s glowing glory
The light was getting good and T-Line was getting lonely.
Joss Christensen mid-something awesome
On lookers looking on at the session (Brandon from Amplid & Sean from Windell’s, other guy, unknown)
Joss with a rodeo 5
Tyler Barnes with one of his many rightside 720 stacking footy for his part in 4bi9 Media’s new flick.
Rider: unknown Trick: sick
Victory Beringer from Steve Stepp to Tyler Barnes, good show.
Joss closing out the night with style.
Day 1 Video
West Coast Sessions: Travel and Day 1 from Hennie vJ on Vimeo.
Day 2 Video
WCS Day 2: The Primer from Hennie vJ on Vimeo.
Day 3 Video
West Coast Sessions Day 3: Testing the Big Guy from Hennie vJ on Vimeo.
Day 4 Video
(coming soon, sorry)
See you next year!