Deane & Dubs

A couple weeks ago, KC Deane and Scotty “Dubs T” Nikkel came to Colorado for the SIA tradeshow and to shred the parks of Summit County and do their own version of product testing next years Moment Skis product. I managed to make it out for a few hours with them at Keystone one day to snap some pictures. Although the weather was not the most ideal to shoot in, we still got some decent pictures for an impromptu park day.

For spending less than a handful of days in the park this year, KC was having no trouble throwing a variety of tricks for me to shoot. He quickly kicked things off with a spot on 900. For more on KC’s early season adventures, check out to get filled in on what he’s been up to. While KC has been dedicating his time to BC/Big Mountain Skiing, Dubs T has been focusing heavily on his park skiing. Shooting these two was going fine, and I had only one or two shots left that I wanted to get. That’s when it happened, out of nowhere while I was skiing down to set up on a jump, my right ski edge caught something in the snow threw me for a tumble, camera and all. After picking myself and my camera gear up, I realized that my lens was no longer connected to my camera, It had snapped clean off! In a panic I examined the front of my Nikon and my fear was realized, the entire body was packed with snow. Really.

2 days later I attempted to turn my camera on for the first time since trying to turn it into a snowball. I had taken everything off of it and let it dry for 48 hours. To my surprise it turned on, focused just fine and shot a fairly clean picture. Some cleaning was needed, but other than that the camera came out unscathed. My lens is another story, lets just say now I have a new paperweight.

Dubs sending it
KC Mid-900

Bye till next time –