so i guess i've decided that im going to keep a log of my days on the hill through this blog...maybe, i dunno...lemme know what you think
but anyway, here is that latest (late) entry...
On thursday, november 16th, myself, cory hodges (COR.e) and a couple of people from the BOD of the boulder freeride club, went on a mission to shralp the salad bar (ride the park) at copper, and maybe evenget some freshies. After a later than usual wake up on a ski day (9 am) we got on the road, and set off on our mission.....and i dont feel like typing much more, so heres a quick partial picture summary of the day:
Junk show

Cory (first day back from season ending knee blowout last year) starts fucking around on the box, and pulls a tailpress out of his ass on his new (free) invaders...look for some big shit coming out of this kid, not shit in the sense of feces, but in the sense of cool stuff...

Jess explaining to us that the park is in fact a salad bar....dont worry, i missed that one too.

"happy air" except that jess doesnt look that happy...

stare down.

ththis doesnt even look like me....

ok - me tired, and going to bed. peace up, a town down.