All photos & videos provided by Red Bull

Jesper Tjäder is known for his crazy ideas, creativity and video game level of rail skiing skills. In 2016, filming for Supervention 2 Jesper completed a looped rail, a crazy feat we've only really seen in SSX or other domains of the virtual world. For Jesper, this is real life.

In the frosty landscape of Åre, where Jesper's Unrailistic event is set to take place in just over a week, he did the improbable yet again. A looped rail feature with the top cut out. This created a 3m gap in which Jesper would upside down in space while trying to lock into the other half of the box as he spun and flipped towards it.

In just 42 attempts Jesper managed to put down this improbable and scary stunt. Watch the full edit from this insane build below!




The 3m gap Jesper flew through before landing another NDB rail trick!


The 29-year-old from Östersund has Olympic & X Games medals to his name. Jesper is a highlight of the Knuckle Huckevery year and is, in our not-so-humble opinion, constantly robbed in competition. Yet this has never phased Jesper, consistently pushing himself and the sport in new and exciting directions every time he clicks in.

His upcoming event Unrailistic is inspired by his viral videos of the same name showcasing rail setups you've never even thought of and some of the finest riders on the planet, including Tom Wallisch, Henrik Harlaut & Mathilde Gremaud competing on a course designed by Tjäder himself.


Speaking on the course Jesper said:

"I want to build my ultimate course. It will feature bigger and crazier features that allow riders to challenge what's possible in the sport."


Unrailistic will go down on the 25th & 26th of April. With Best Trick on the 25th and the finals being live-streamed on Red Bull TV HERE!

