Everybody pretty much knows everybody, and thats great because it gives us more opportunity for competitions, coaching each other and hanging out with people of the same passion. Not only this but when the time comes that we get the chance to ride real snow, with real kickers, and real rails we grab the opportunity with both hands - honestly it's like being in heaven!

Photo by Dan Carr
I've been riding since I was 10 years old. Started out racing, then moguls, then new-school. I was lucky enough pick up sponsorship from Salomon when I was 13, and ever since I've worked hard on snow and dry slope, picking up a few more sponsors, to get where I am today (which is here in Whistler, with a torn MCL [laughs]). There have been so many people that have helped me out along the way, with confidence, support and funding etc, so they deserve a great thanks! As I mentioned earlier, nearly all the British free-skiers know each other and help one another to progress. I'm sure this is the same all over but think it's great how peers can compete yet still be friends and help each other out.
Some British riders are beginning to pop up in the international scene, such as Paddy Graham, Mike Wakefield, Murray Buchan. This gives us confidence that maybe one day we can produce some of the World's best. The way things are going with training camps and competitions like the Salomon Grom Camps, British Freeski Camps, British Snow Tour, and Ride Series we have right to be hopeful.

Photo by Dan Carr
Enough bragging about my home country, besides I'm in Whistler, Canada training on some of the best features I've hit, and it's summer time! I'm attending Momentum Ski Camps, where I've been riding alongside and being coached by undoubtedly some of the world's best. It has been an amazing opportunity for me to get to know really what it takes to be the best. I had awesome fun training hard for a week, with some really great people I met out here, and although I ended up over shooting a kicker and rupturing my MCL, it's still been one of the best times for me. I'm still in Whistler now, working overtime in Physio to make sure I'm back to 100% as quickly as possible.
In a few days I'm moving to Saas- Fee, Switzerland where I'll continue with physio until I'm well enough to ride again. Hopefully it'll be in time for me to compete in the Saas- Fee Ride, although I might have high hopes about that one. But you never know, there's nothing like a positive attitude and hard work to get you up and running again, so maybe luck is on my side.
My plan for next season is to continue with my school work, but instead of doing from England I'm going to spend the winter in one of Europe's best resorts. I'm not totally sure which but I'm really interested in Mayhofen, Austria as the park is great and the people and vibe is seriously buzzing!
I hope you guys have an awesome time riding, and if your ever up for a REAL challenge come over to the U.K. and come shred the dry slope! Take it from Mike Douglas, it's no easy ride!

Photo by Dan Carr
Have a good one,